Miki Orange
ヒーリングアーティスト / イラストレーター / 英日・日英翻訳者
絵本の作品に『あのひも きみは ぼくのてんしのものがたり』(英語版、日本語版)、『すてきなものAからZまで』(英日併記)(Amazonなどで販売中。Kindle版もあります)。
Healing artist / Illustrator / Translator (English⇄Japanese)
Since she interested in 'healing' through translating many books on natural therapy, she started to study various approaches of natural healing and energy work, then became most interested in healing through pictures and colors. Now while continuing her work as a translator, she translates what inspires her into pictures.
Her Kindle Picture Books ”On That Day You Were: A Story About My Angel (English Edition)" ,"The Wonderful Things From A to Z"